Operation Milk Carton / Mission S3-06 / Mission Debriefing

Missing Metahumans:
Both Francine Donovan and Roger Northam were rescued relatively unharmed and are returning to their normal lives.  The other members of Metahumans Anonymous, who were evacuated from New York, have also returned.  However, SAGA has put extra surveillance on all of them -- Purge is still suspected of being behind this event and is still at large.

The Mole People have begun to repopulate their underground village.  There is no sign of the Serpent People -- it appears the entire community of them was eliminated.

Two agents were found in this creature's bloodstream.  The first was a virus believed to be a subtype of Project "Thief of the Gods," which allows the host to mimic the superpowers of those it touches.  The second is a nanocolony of Project Ethon, which suppresses the virus, making it non-contagious and causing the mimicked powers to fade after about a day.

Communing with Ssslank's spirit (he was deemed to dangerous to resurrect) reveals that a person matching Purge's description offered him the two injections and the location of two members of Metahumans Anonymous (Agent Tiptoe and Francine Donovan).  Ssslank took the injections against his tribe's wishes and then slew them.  He then trailed several people home from MA meetings to plan his list of victims.  Ssslank was unaware that the power-mimicking effects would be temporary, or that the Ethon injection would cause insanity and mutation.

Copyright © 2007 William J. Scott III