Operation Security Blanket / Mission S3-02 / Mission Debriefing

Shroud of Turin:
The Shourd of Turin was successfully retrieved undamaged.  The agents responsible for its recovery were given a demonstration of its powers reviving a captive, and also informed of its chief limitation:  it only works on any given person once.

Götz Jagdhund:
This prisoner being questioned and mind-probed under the strict supervision of Agent Salem.  So far he has revealed little of the Cabal of Hermes' plot beyond what we already know.  Jagdhund is reasonably high up in the hierarchy of the Cabal of Hermes, and SAGA has high hopes that he may provide us with valuable information.

Knights Templar:
The Knights Templar remain on the trail of Jagdhund and the Shroud.  According to Agent Harrow, they are unaware of SAGA's involvement or posession of the Shroud.

Bippy's Falafel Stand:
Bippy has sold his falafel stand to a competitor and relocated his business to a safer location in southern Iran.

Agent Bulldog:
Agent Bulldog is on paid leave in Greece pending the team's next mission, which will take place in central Europe.  A mission briefing will be sent out once preliminary intelligence is complete.

Copyright © 2007 William J. Scott III